
Friday, January 31, 2014

Favourite Things Friday Vol 63 – Gripstic

I have used all manner of things to keep half empty bags closed. Things like twist ties, bag clips, paper clips, elastics and even the occasional hair tie!

When my sister sent me a package of these Gripstics as part of a house warming gift. They are fantastic‼

They are easy to use, just fold the bag over, slide the Gripstic on the bag and that's that.  They really keep the bags sealed up tight.
I love that there are multiple sizes.

I went and got myself a second package from Superstore, but you can get them on line here.

Give them a try; they beat out a hair tie for sure!

Have a wonderful weekend!


1 comment:

  1. We will have to try these ones, as we have the same issues as you had, with our current clips, elastics, tape & yes, hair ties as well! How nice it is for you to have a sister to send you housewarming gifts!! ;) Love your Blog.
