
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Favourite Things Friday, Vol.1

Happy Friday Everyone!

I have decided to start something new on My Tiny Oven, a list of my favourite things.
The things will vary from week to week. They might be a kitchen tool or ingredient, or maybe some lip balm or face wash, or even a book or TV show!
I thought it might be fun to share my favourite things, and then you can shout out some of yours!

I am going to start with one of my most favourite kitchen tools.
This lemon/lime squeezer! It is an Amco Metal Citrus Juicer 2-in-1. I got mine from Gourmet Warehouse.

Oh how I love this thing. I have tried all kinds of juicers and this is by far the best one. Firstly, it does lemons and limes! YAH! Secondly it is easy to hold, easy to squeeze and it gets every last drop of juice out of the lemon/lime halves. 

I pull it out when I just need a tablespoon of juice and I use it when I need to make lemonade and I have to squeeze 15 lemons!
My hand never gets sore, and I get every precious drop!!

I love it!

Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Okay i need to find out if I can get this here in Regina, we do not have a Gourmet Warehouse! I love this! kid friendly too, savanna could use it to make her lemonade! I must admit, one of my favorite things, is also a citrus juicer. It's probably at least 80 years old maybe more. It's heavy and glass and has a little pouring spout on the edge. It belonged to Gramma Eva. It has seen lots of juicing!! Love the favorite things idea! can't wait to see more!

  2. Had to check it out right away and see you can buy this on Amazon for about 21 bucks! there is also an orange juicer for about 13 bucks! very cool...i love fresh squeezed juice. Gotta get these!! Thanks again!!

  3. I am glad you can get it on Amazon! That is about what I paid, so a good deal! I didn't know they had an orange one too. I gotta get that, fresh squeezed orange juice rocks! Thanks P!!

  4. Love the idea of a weekly "favourite things"! I guess I'd better put this juicer on my list. I'm still using a crappy plastic one that my mom bought for me when I left home for university!

  5. This looks like a great juicer. I've used this style once before and I was impressed. However, since I now have little hands that actually enjoy juicing citrus; I guess I'll stick with what I have. You've made me crave fresh orange juice now though!
