
About Me

Hi there, my name is Jen. Welcome to My Tiny Oven!

I am a lover of cooking and eating all kinds of food. I grew up in a home where both my parents cooked all the time. Both my Mom and Dad were fantastic cooks and we grew up eating a wide variety of home cooked meals. They were my inspiration for this blog and I have shared many of our Clarke family recipes here on the blog.

I only really started cooking and baking when I was in my early 30’s. Before that I lived off fish sticks and french fries. Once I finally figured out my way around the kitchen I couldn’t get enough. I watched a lot of Food Network and read a lot of Martha Stewart and now here I am, cooking and baking up a storm.

When I was 25 years old I moved from my hometown in Saskatchewan to Vancouver. I lived in a little apartment downtown for nearly 13 years. It was there I fell in love with all things culinary. My oven in that apartment was teeny tiny, hence the name of my blog! I couldn’t even fit a regular sized cookie sheet in that tiny oven, but I did end up making a ton of delicious food in that thing.

I just recently moved to Victoria with my in house taste tester. It is a lovely city and I have a much bigger oven now! I can’t wait to make a ton of new food memories in my new kitchen and then share them with you.
I like to cook simple quick food that tastes great. I hope you can find some inspiration here!

If you have any questions feel free to drop me an email




  1. Omg Jen!!! I loooovveee your recipes and photos. The bachelor buttons were awesome ...i will be trying them for sure. And i really want to try making the homemade chicken strips!

    You are so talented. Keep it up!


  2. Thank you so much Niki! I am glad you like it! I am going to be brave this weekend and try your Roti Wraps! I hope they turn out as good as yours.

  3. Hi Jen -- just browsed through your "My Tiny Oven" website. I am so impressed -- you have some great recipes. Your pictures make all the recipes look so inviting. Keep up the good work, I am certainly going to try a few.....Auntie M

  4. Congratulations Jen on reaching almost a 100 recipe POSTS!!!!! That's incredible!!

  5. Hi Jen, I stumbled upon your site while searching for a mushroom roll-up recipe, and the recipe you posted is the exact one I was looking for. I live in Sedley, half an hour east of Regina and let me tell you, there's no snow here, just a light dusting and today it's gonna be +2. So much for -40.

  6. Hi J.
    I am so glad that you found the recipe you were looking for! I am totally making those yummy mushroom roll ups for a party I am going to on Christmas Eve. They are soooo good!
    It is great you guys are having good weather, all too often it is -30 on christmas, I don't miss that! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!!

  7. your amazing!!Joy

  8. Hi, Jen. I came across your site while searching for chicken kabob recipe. I will be trying it tomorrow. I loved your recipes so much, I am going to make a weekly menu based on them. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! they look so simple to make and so yummmmmyyyyy!!!!

  9. Thank you so much for the lovely comment! It totally made my day! That chicken kabob recipe is one of my favourites, hope you enjoy it.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Your email addy not working--I have so much to tell you --just discovered you recently and wow! Your info is amazing.

  12. This is the message I attempted to send:

    Hi Jen--you are a young me! I was looking for a good recipe for Johnny Cake to make with my grand daughters this afternoon and voila--there you were. We had this treat often as I grew up but it was more a meatless supper staple when the farm supplies were running low. I LOVE your blog, so here's my deal--I will keep reading yours if you check out mine--we seem to have many similar interests and I have only known you for 15 mins. Again, beautiful interesting blog!

    Gloria Jean Hansen

    retired nurse, bluegrass musician, fisherlady and lifelong cooking enthusiast (check blog As I See It on Wordpress, Glorybits and Bellylaffs or google Gloria Jean Hansen for my background)

    Elliot Lake ON
